How Many Calories Does Masturbating Burn?

Did you know that engaging in a single session of masturbation can actually burn calories? Yes, you read that right! Masturbation has been found to have a calorie-burning effect, although the number of calories burned may not be as significant as other physical activities such as partner sex or exercising on a treadmill.

According to anecdotal reports, a single session of masturbation can burn between five and six calories. However, the actual calorie count burned during masturbation can vary depending on factors such as the duration, intensity, and climax of the session.

While masturbation may not be the most intense physical workout, it still offers various physical and mental health benefits. In the following sections, we will explore the calorie-burning potential of masturbation, as well as other health benefits associated with this self-pleasure activity.

How Does Masturbation Burn Calories?

Masturbation can be considered a workout for your body. It increases blood flow and raises your heart rate, which in turn burns calories. The longer and more intense the session, the more energy you are likely to expend. The highest calorie burn occurs during orgasm. However, it should be noted that masturbation is not as physically demanding as activities like partner sex or exercising on a treadmill, so the calorie burn may not be as significant. Research suggests that a 175-pound person can burn up to 200 calories during a 40-minute sex session, indicating that partner sex generally burns more calories than solo play.

Activity Calories Burned (175-pound person, 40 minutes)
Partner Sex Up to 200 calories
Masturbation Varies, may be less than partner sex
Running on a Treadmill Up to 400 calories

While masturbation can contribute to overall calorie burn, it is important to note that other physical activities may burn more calories. Engaging in partner sex or participating in cardiovascular exercises like running or cycling can result in higher calorie burns. Therefore, masturbation should be seen as a pleasurable activity with potential calorie-burning benefits, but not a replacement for regular exercise.

Tips to Burn More Calories During Masturbation

To maximize the number of calories burned during masturbation, it is important to be an active participant. Instead of passively stimulating yourself, focus on the act and make it more intense. Here are some tips to burn more calories during your solo play:

  1. Move your fingers faster and with more intensity: Increasing the speed and intensity of your movements can elevate your heart rate and burn more calories. Experiment with different rhythms and pressures to find what feels best for you.
  2. Use toys vigorously on your clitoris and vagina: Incorporating toys into your masturbation routine can intensify both the pleasure and the calorie burn. Choose toys that provide a good amount of stimulation and experiment with different speeds and patterns.
  3. Explore different positions: Changing up your positions can engage different muscles and increase the calorie burn. Try the “pretend lover” position, where you lie back with your legs bent and spread wide, or squatting while using toys to activate your lower body.
  4. Stimulate your erogenous zones: While focusing on your clitoris and vagina, don’t forget about your other erogenous zones. Nipples, breasts, inner thighs, and the perineum can all contribute to a more intense and calorie-burning experience.

Remember, the duration of masturbation, intensity of stimulation, and the techniques you use all play a role in the number of calories burned. Find what works best for you and enjoy the benefits of an active and pleasurable session!

Comparison of Calorie Burn During Different Activities

Activity Calories Burned (30 minutes)
Sexual Intercourse (175-pound person) Up to 200 calories
Running (7mph) Around 400 calories
Cycling (moderate intensity) Around 300 calories
Masturbation (varies depending on factors) Approximately 5-6 calories

As you can see, while masturbation can contribute to calorie burn, it is generally not as physically demanding as other activities. However, it still offers many other health and pleasure benefits that make it worthwhile to incorporate into your self-care routine.

Other Health Benefits of Masturbation

Masturbation offers not only the potential for calorie burn but also several other health benefits. Research suggests that engaging in solo play can have positive effects on various aspects of your well-being.

Strengthen Pelvic Muscles

Masturbation can help strengthen pelvic muscles, which play a crucial role in bladder control, sexual function, and childbirth. By actively engaging these muscles during self-pleasure, you can improve their tone and overall strength.

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Relieve Muscle Tension

During masturbation, your body releases endorphins, which help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. This can have a direct impact on muscle tension, helping to relieve any tightness or discomfort you may be experiencing.

Boost Immune System

Studies have shown that sexual activity, including masturbation, can stimulate the release of antibodies and improve immune function. Regular solo play can contribute to a healthier immune system and greater overall well-being.

Improve Mental Health

Masturbation can have a positive impact on your mental health. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by promoting relaxation and releasing feel-good hormones. Engaging in solo play allows you to focus on your own pleasure and desires, which can contribute to improved self-esteem and body positivity.

Additionally, masturbation provides sexual release without the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections. It gives you the freedom to explore your own body, understand your own desires and needs, and indulge in a pleasurable and healthy activity.

Masturbation as a Safe and Natural Activity

safe sexual activity

When it comes to sexual exploration, masturbation is a safe and natural activity that allows you to intimately connect with your own body. Not only does it provide a pleasurable experience, but it also offers a myriad of benefits, both physical and mental.

One of the key advantages of solo play is that it provides sexual release without the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections. This makes it a safe and reliable method of satisfying your desires and exploring your sexuality.

In addition, masturbation allows you to learn about your own desires and preferences. It gives you the freedom to experiment with different techniques, positions, and fantasies that you find arousing. By understanding what turns you on, you can enhance your sexual experiences, whether with yourself or with a partner.

The benefits of solo play extend beyond the physical realm. Engaging in masturbation can promote relaxation, relieve stress, and improve your overall mood. It’s a form of self-care that allows you to focus on your own pleasure and well-being.

“Masturbation is a healthy and enjoyable way to explore your own body, practice self-love, and discover what brings you pleasure.”

Furthermore, solo play can be enjoyed as often as desired, providing a guilt-free outlet for sexual release. It’s a natural activity that allows you to express your sexuality in a way that feels comfortable and fulfilling to you.

Benefits of Masturbation as a Safe and Natural Activity:

  • ✓ Sexual release without the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections
  • ✓ Opportunity to explore and understand your own desires and preferences
  • ✓ Promotes relaxation and relieves stress
  • ✓ Improves mood and overall well-being
  • ✓ Provides guilt-free sexual pleasure and self-care

Calorie Burn Comparison to Other Activities

While masturbation may burn calories, it is important to note that the calorie burn is generally lower compared to other physical activities. Research suggests that a 175-pound person can burn up to 200 calories during a 40-minute sex session, indicating that partner sex burns more calories than solo play. Engaging in cardio exercises like running or cycling can result in higher calorie burns as well. Therefore, while masturbation can contribute to overall calorie burn, it should not be considered a replacement for regular exercise.

Calorie Burn Comparison
Activity Calories Burned
40-Minute Sex Session Up to 200 calories
30-Minute Jogging Average of 240 calories
60-Minute Cycling Average of 500 calories
60-Minute High-Intensity Interval Training Average of 600 calories

As the table indicates, activities like jogging, cycling, and high-intensity interval training can burn more calories compared to masturbation. These exercises involve the use of multiple muscle groups and higher intensity movements, leading to increased energy expenditure. While masturbation can provide some calorie burn, it is advisable to incorporate other forms of physical activity into your routine to achieve optimal calorie burn and overall fitness.

Remember, maintaining a balanced exercise routine that includes a variety of activities can help you maximize calorie burn, improve cardiovascular health, and support overall well-being.

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Masturbation

Physical Benefits of Masturbation

In addition to burning calories, masturbation provides various physical and mental benefits. Physically, it can help strengthen pelvic muscles, tone the anal area, relieve cramps and muscle tension, and boost the immune system. It can also induce relaxation, improve mood, relieve stress, release sexual tension, and help individuals understand their own desires and needs. Masturbation can be a source of pleasure and self-care, contributing to overall well-being.

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If you’re wondering whether masturbation offers any physical benefits, the answer is yes! Engaging in solo play can actually have several positive effects on your body. When you masturbate, you activate your pelvic muscles and the muscles in the anal area. Regular stimulation can help strengthen these muscles and even improve overall pelvic floor health. This is especially important for individuals who have given birth or experience pelvic floor issues.

Masturbation also provides relief from various physical discomforts. If you’re experiencing cramps or muscle tension, solo play can alleviate these symptoms. It releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and promotes relaxation throughout the body. Additionally, masturbation has been found to boost the immune system, helping your body fight off infections and illnesses more effectively.

Aside from the physical benefits, masturbation offers numerous mental advantages as well. It can be a fantastic stress reliever, helping you unwind and relax after a long day. The pleasurable sensations you experience during masturbation release feel-good hormones like endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin, which can instantly improve your mood and provide a sense of happiness and well-being. This can be particularly helpful if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or down.

Furthermore, masturbation allows you to release sexual tension without the need for a partner. It gives you the freedom to explore your body and discover your own desires and needs. This self-discovery not only enhances your sexual experiences with yourself but also with potential partners. By understanding what brings you pleasure, you can communicate your preferences more effectively and have a more fulfilling sexual life.

Masturbation truly offers a holistic approach to well-being, providing both physical and mental benefits. It is a safe and natural activity that can be enjoyed by individuals of all genders and sexual orientations. Whether you engage in solo play for its physical advantages or simply for pleasure and relaxation, masturbation is a personal choice that can contribute to your overall happiness and self-care.

Masturbation as a Personal Choice

Masturbation is a personal choice, and the frequency at which individuals engage in it can vary greatly. Some people may find themselves masturbating more frequently than others, while some may not engage in masturbation at all. It is essential to recognize that there is no right or wrong amount of masturbation.

Masturbation is a highly individual experience, and the frequency at which someone chooses to engage in it should be based on personal preference and comfort. It is crucial to listen to your own body and explore your own desires in a way that feels safe, consensual, and enjoyable to you.

There are no set rules or societal expectations when it comes to masturbation frequency. It is entirely up to each person to determine how often they would like to engage in this pleasurable activity. Whether you choose to masturbate regularly or only occasionally, what matters most is that you are engaging in it in a way that promotes your own well-being and satisfaction.

Remember, masturbation is a natural and normal part of human sexuality. It can be a healthy way to express your own desires, relieve stress, and explore your body’s capacity for pleasure. Embrace your personal preferences and comfort levels when it comes to masturbation, and enjoy the experience on your own terms.

So go ahead, embrace your personal preference for masturbation and explore the frequency that feels right for you. As long as it is done in a safe, consensual, and enjoyable manner, you have the freedom to discover the pleasures of self-exploration at your own pace.

The Importance of Sexual Hygiene

Practicing good sexual hygiene during masturbation is essential to prevent any potential infections or discomfort. Taking care of your sexual health should be a priority, whether you are pleasuring yourself or engaging in partner sex.

One crucial aspect of sexual hygiene is hand washing. Before touching your genital area, make sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water. This simple act can help eliminate bacteria and reduce the risk of transmitting any harmful substances to your sensitive areas.

Another important consideration for sexual hygiene during masturbation is the use of lubricant. Lubricant not only enhances comfort and pleasure but also reduces potential friction, which can lead to discomfort or irritation. Using a water-based or silicone-based lubricant can help create a smoother and more enjoyable experience.

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Tips for Sexual Hygiene During Masturbation:

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water before engaging in masturbation.
  • Ensure your genital area is clean and free from any debris or residue.
  • Use a sufficient amount of water-based or silicone-based lubricant to reduce friction.
  • Consider using a clean towel or tissue to wipe away any excess lubricant or bodily fluids.

By following these simple practices, you can maintain good sexual hygiene during masturbation, promoting a safe and comfortable experience.

Remember, taking care of your sexual health is not only important for masturbation but for any sexual activity you engage in. By prioritizing sexual hygiene, you can enjoy a worry-free and pleasurable experience.


In conclusion, masturbation can be a calorie-burning activity, although it may not be as physically demanding as partner sex or exercising. The number of calories burned during masturbation depends on various factors such as the duration, intensity, and techniques used. However, the benefits of masturbation extend far beyond calorie burn.

Masturbation offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. It can help strengthen muscles, relieve tension, and boost the immune system. Additionally, it has been shown to improve mood, enhance overall well-being, and provide a safe and natural way to explore your own body and desires.

So, whether you’re looking to burn a few extra calories or simply enjoy the physical and mental benefits, masturbation can be a pleasurable and fulfilling activity. Embrace self-love, practice sexual hygiene, and indulge in the overall positive effects it can have on your health and well-being.


How many calories does masturbating burn?

According to anecdotal reports, a single session of masturbation can burn between five and six calories. However, the number of calories burned depends on the duration, intensity, and climax of the session.

How does masturbation burn calories?

Masturbation increases blood flow and raises your heart rate, which in turn burns calories. The longer and more intense the session, the more energy you are likely to expend. The highest calorie burn occurs during orgasm.

What are some tips to burn more calories during masturbation?

Some tips to burn more calories during masturbation include moving your fingers faster and with more intensity, using toys vigorously, exploring different positions, and stimulating your erogenous zones.

What are the other health benefits of masturbation?

Masturbation can strengthen pelvic muscles, relieve cramps and muscle tension, boost the immune system, improve sleep, enhance mental well-being, and provide sexual release without the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

Is masturbation a safe and natural activity?

Yes, masturbation is a safe and natural way to explore your own body, practice self-love, and discover what turns you on. It offers sexual release without the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

How does the calorie burn during masturbation compare to other activities?

Research suggests that a 175-pound person can burn up to 200 calories during a 40-minute sex session, indicating that partner sex generally burns more calories than solo play. Engaging in cardio exercises like running or cycling can result in even higher calorie burns.

What are the physical and mental benefits of masturbation?

Masturbation can help strengthen pelvic muscles, tone the anal area, relieve cramps and muscle tension, boost the immune system, improve mood, promote relaxation, and help individuals understand their own desires and needs.

Is frequency of masturbation a personal choice?

Yes, frequency of masturbation can vary greatly from individual to individual. It is a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong amount of masturbation. Individuals can explore their own bodies and sexuality at their own pace and comfort level.

What is the importance of sexual hygiene during masturbation?

Practicing good sexual hygiene during masturbation is essential to prevent any potential infections or discomfort. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your genital area and use lubricant for added comfort.

What are the overall benefits of masturbation?

Masturbation provides various physical and mental health benefits, including muscle strengthening, tension relief, immune system boost, improved mood, relaxation, and the opportunity to explore and understand one’s desires and needs.